Shop / Wellness Tea Blends / Serene Mama Tea

Serene Mama
Restorative Postpartum Tea


Our sincerest prayer is that every mother have the time and support in the days after birth to rest and recover from not only birth but from 9 months of growing a human, while bonding with their baby. Serene Mama was developed to help women replenish their bodies with essential nutrients, support the body for lactation and prepare for the beautiful yet exhausting months of new motherhood ahead.

Serene Mama was thoughtfully formulated with organic or wildcrafted herbs to maintain a calm, peaceful mind and balance your hormones while providing nourishment to restore your body. Serene Mama can be enjoyed for months and years after birth.

Serene Mama is a loose leaf tea that is most effective when taken as an infusion (instructions below), but may also be taken daily as a delightful cup of tea.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


All herbs are organic or wildcrafted and sourced responsibly.

Ingredients: Nettle, oatstraw, alfalfa, red raspberry leaf, red clover, lemon balm, spearmint, rose, motherwort


To Brew the Perfect cup of tea:

  • 1 tsp tea

  • 8oz of water

  • 212˚F

  • Steep for 3-5 min.

  • Re-steep 2+ times

For an infusion:

Add 3-8 tbsp of loose leaf to a quart of boiling water and leave to steep covered for 2 hours or overnight and drink throughout the day.

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